How to Properly Store Your Silver Jewelry?


Do you have a vast collection of wholesale sterling silver jewelry? But wondering how to store it correctly as your jewelry is suffering from tarnish, rusting, and some dullness due to losing the shine.
So, without delaying further, we will share some best tips with you to help you adequately save your mesmerizing jewelry pieces.

How to store your wholesale sterling silver jewelry:

Have a look at our tried and tested tips on keeping your favorite silver jewelry pieces attractively so that they don’t tarnish and dull over some time.

Keep it separate from different metals:

Keep your jewelry pieces separate from the metal. Make sure to do an inventory of jewelry. Keep your fine jewelry pieces separate, costume jewelry pieces, and silver jewelry pieces separate. Keep the silver jewelry aside from your fine jewelry. This separation of different metals prevents any tarnish on the jewelry and prevents the interaction of metals.

Keep your jewelry in low humid places:

Store the jewelry in low humid areas. High humidity is one of the main culprits of speeding up the tarnishing process. Staying in humid areas can result in faster tarnish, especially within the summer months. Consider keeping a dehumidifier or air conditioner within the room that allows easy storage of jewelry.

You can also invest in silica packets, enabling easy absorption of excess moisture from wholesale sterling silver jewelry.
Keep the jewelry in that area of the home that features consistent temperature. Avoid putting your jewelry open on racks or dressing tables. Constant temperature is better for keeping sterling silver jewelry pieces in a cool, dark area.

Keep all jewelry in a jewelry box:

Wholesale sterling silver jewelry pieces store well in jewelry boxes that come lined using felt. The felt allows easy absorption of excess moisture, preventing premature tarnish. For huge details, you can place them in felt pouches. Moreover, you can also wrap them within the silver polishing cloth, limiting the exposure of air.

Keep it away from direct exposure to UV:

Make sure to keep all your wholesale sterling silver jewelry pieces away from direct exposure to UV rays, as certain gems and stones are damaged when exposed to light.

Store jewelry with diamond or pearls properly:

If your wholesale sterling silver jewelry comes with diamonds, pearls, and stones, make sure to store them properly. Avoid placing your jewelry pieces in close approximation. Diamonds can scratch over each other. Moreover, if your silver jewelry comes with pearls, ensure to keep them in wooden boxes which come with felt lining.

Do not store your favorite jewelry pieces with pearls within a plastic bag as plastic interacts with pearls leading to deterioration. Instead, store each piece separately to prevent any scratching.

Keep your jewelry pieces in Ziploc bags:

Ziploc bags are one of the easiest and most common ways of storing your favorite wholesale sterling silver jewelry. They keep your jewelry safe and prevent any air from entering inside. Place the jewelry in a Ziploc bag, close it halfway, and then squeeze all air before you finally seal it. Avoid using bags that come with abrasive materials.

Keep all your jewelry away from treated wood:

To store all your favorite timeless wholesale sterling silver pieces in their most attractive way. Maintain the brilliance and shine of your jewelry pieces away from chemically treated wood, as this speeds up the entire tarnishing process.

Keep chalk or activated charcoal:

Once you are done placing the silver jewelry in bags, wrapped in silver cloth or more, add a piece of chalk in the bag, which results in excess absorption of moisture. Using chalk allows excess removal of moisture plus the chemical residues. You can also utilize activated charcoal which prevents any tarnish of silver jewelry. This charcoal absorbs all gases preventing it from tarnish.

Use anti-tarnish cloth:

Another way of storing wholesale sterling silver jewelry is to make use of anti-tarnish cloth. It is one of the most popular ways of preventing tarnish in yours. These clothes are best known for absorbing oxygen and sulfur from the air and are treated to avoid any tarnish. Make use of these clothes regularly for giving your sterling a perfect shine.

Make use of silver bags:

The last tip of protecting your wholesale sterling is to use silver bags that allow the perfect storage. This prevents any scratches or dents on you. Keeping your in airtight packs is essential. Avoid exposing to sulfur which, when reacted with silver, leads to a layer of tarnish over jewelry pieces.

Use of anti-tarnish products:

You can also use anti-tarnish products like Tarnish tamer, which prevents any tarnish. Save all your wholesale sterling jewelry pieces with this product, which uses a patented formula preventing any tarnish to your jewelry without constant polishing.

Tarnish tamer is a product that absorbs all contaminants and gases within the air, leading to no tarnish over silver jewelry. There are anti-tarnish strips in the market that prevent any tarnish and keep your jewelry protected against any exposure to sulfur.

Final Verdict:

Even if you make sure to store the wholesale sterling silver jewelry pieces correctly, you need to ensure that they need polishing at least twice a year, preventing them from tarnishing. Once you are done reading all these tips, we are sure you’ll end up maintaining them in a mesmerizing way.

Always keep your jewelry pieces back in place once you are done wearing them. Never wear your in outdoor activities, during swimming, showers, or more, affecting the. Lastly, clean all your silver jewelry pieces using a polishing cloth and then store them properly.

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Wondering how to store the wholesale sterling silver jewelry? Then, keep all your jewelry adequately maintained with the tips and tricks mentioned here; click now to find out!

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